Hospital Disaster Preparedness

California hospitals work tirelessly with local government, other health care providers, and emergency response agencies to meet the challenges disasters bring and ensure patients have continued access to lifesaving care.

Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)

HICS is a hospital-specific methodology based on established incident command system (ICS) protocols. Learn how HICS assists hospitals in emergency management planning, response, and recovery including courses, forms, and guides.

Hospital Emergency Management

Whether facing a local power disruption, a regional natural disaster, or a global disease outbreak, California hospitals quickly mobilize to ensure patient care continues during disasters.

That response is made possible by consistent planning and training so that whatever disaster strikes, hospitals will be ready. The resources on this page provide critical information and resources to support your hospital’s emergency planning and response.

Planning for Hospital Disasters

California hospitals proactively work to protect their patients, facilities, and staff in the event of natural, technological, and man-made disasters. Each scenario presents unique challenges. That’s why effective disaster preparedness requires a comprehensive approach that includes plans for every contingency. These preparedness strategies include risk assessments, staff training, communication, and collaboration with external partners.

Training & Exercises

Training and preparation are the foundation of effective disaster response. These exercises support teamwork and communication across departments, creating a collaborative environment essential to crisis response. Through simulations, hospitals can identify weaknesses in their plans and make necessary adjustments before a real incident occurs.

Tools & Checklists

Tools and checklists support a structured approach to preparedness and response. These resources were developed by a team of subject matter experts familiar with the critically necessary tasks every hospital should consider in its planning and response activities.

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