I’d like to add my voice today to the national chorus that has united to call for an end to violence in our communities and workplaces.
Today is #HAVhope Friday, a campaign led by the American Hospital Association (AHA) that focuses national attention on hospitals joining to combat violence in our communities and protect our employees. I am proud to say that I served on AHA’s board when this initiative was launched in response to the tragic, frightening and continued escalation of violence in America — singular and en masse — involving guns, bombs, knives, trucks, fists, injury, trauma, death, family members, co-workers, complete and total strangers, and our own dedicated hospital workers.
Violence in America is a public health crisis.
If you’re on social media today, you’ll no doubt see the hashtag and photos of hospital staff holding hands with their co-workers or community partners to unite in our view that all forms of violence are unacceptable and that the impact of violence on our communities and on our caregivers — whether directly in cases of workplace violence or indirectly in the trauma they experience caring for victims — is unacceptable.
In simplest terms, hospitals are places of caring and curing; beacons of safety, compassion, and healing. Your communities are buoyed by your commitment to their well-being, today and every day.
We must stand with our communities to end the violence, and we must stand with our workers and protect them from violence. The number of serious violent injuries in health care settings is almost as many as serious violent injuries in all other sectors combined. Thank you for embracing some of the most comprehensive workplace violence prevention standards in the country. And let’s continue to look for ways to keep all those who work with us safe.
If you haven’t already, take one moment today, gather your team, and create an image to pile on to the digital airwaves to call for an end to all violence.
I’m proud to stand alongside you in the continuing effort to ensure the safety of our communities and our colleagues.
– Carmela