The Hospital Employee Safety and Workers Compensation seminar, March 20 in Sacramento, will feature experts on leaves of absence and workers’ compensation.
Attendees will have several opportunities to ask experts about issues troubling their organizations and to learn from their peers and experts at interactive roundtables addressing leave of absence management issues. Another session will focus on employment strategies after a wildfire, and the seminar concludes with regulatory and legislative updates that include a discussion of emerging Cal/OSHA issues, such as surgical smoke.
Evaluations from the Costa Mesa seminar held this week consistently gave the program high marks. According to one attendee, “The interactive style of the seminar was great. Having the ability to brainstorm and share processes was the highlight of the seminar. Being around other hospital professionals made it easy to discuss situations and identify possible solutions since they deal in similar environments.”
This seminar is designed with health care professionals, particularly human resources staff, in mind.