The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently updated its COVID-19 hospital reporting requirements (see #39 in the HHS FAQs for descriptions).
The new requirements add data fields related to therapeutic treatment and make influenza reporting mandatory. These reporting requirements are a Medicare Condition of Participation under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services interim final rule (pages 1190-1197) released earlier this month. Changes in data reporting include:
- The addition of four new fields, which are currently optional and will become mandatory starting Jan. 8, 2021:
- Current Inventory: casirivimab/indevimab
- Courses Used in Past Week: casirivimab/indevimab
- Current Inventory: bamlanivimab
- Courses Used in Past Week: bamlanivimab
- The six influenza fields, which are currently optional and will become mandatory beginning Dec. 18.
On Thursday, Dec. 17, CHA will update its COVID-19 Tracking Tool to incorporate the new fields related to therapeutics and will provide hospitals and systems currently using the data upload feature with a revised template. In addition, CHA will work with the California Department of Public Health to update the data dictionary and the jointly created data reporting guidance document.
CHA will also be updating its county dashboards to include only counts of adult ICU beds rather than adult, pediatric, and neonatal ICU beds.
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