In an ongoing effort to publicize data related to COVID-19, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced last week that it will release a report on hospital reporting compliance tentatively today.
For most California hospitals, the compliance reports will be based on data they enter daily into the CHA COVID-19 Tracking Tool, which the state then uploads on hospitals’ behalf into TeleTracking. Key points to be aware of:
- HHS will post the hospital-specific compliance data on a public site,
- HHS will report how many days out of seven for a designated week that hospitals reported complete data.
- Though California hospitals have been generally doing an excellent job of submitting robust data daily in accordance with HHS and California Department of Public Health guidelines, the compliance reports may show some hospitals as being less than 100% compliant. HHS expects hospitals to complete 100% of the data, and a hospital will be deemed non-compliant if even a single field is blank for any day during the week in question.
- HHS did not provide the dates that the compliance report will focus on, nor any details about the granularity of the data.
- For hospitals that are less than 100% compliant, old data can be updated and resubmitted to HHS via TeleTracking. HHS indicated it will base its compliance reports on updated data.
- If HHS reports do not provide the detail required by hospitals to update their records, hospitals can reach out to CHA to explore where the records may be incomplete.
CHA will send an updated announcement if HHS releases any additional information.
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