CHA News

DFEH Issues Modifications to Proposed CFRA Regulations

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Late last week, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) modified proposed amendments to the California Family Rights Act Regulations. DFEH initially issued its proposed regulations on Feb. 21. CHA, in conjunction with the CalChamber and several other trade associations, submitted the attached comments during the subsequent 45-day comment period. The most recent revisions to the proposed regulations are deemed to be minor and, therefore, subject to a 15-day comment period. CHA will again work with the CalChamber to determine whether to submit additional comments, due Oct. 25. For more information about the proposed regulations, visit

Labor and Employment Law Seminar
The status of the pending regulatory changes will be discussed at CHA’s Annual Labor and Employment Law Seminar, being held Nov. 5 in Glendale and Nov. 13 in Sacramento. Representatives from the Fair Employment and Housing Council will provide an update. To learn more about the seminar and topics, visit