CHA News

Covered California Invites Comment on Quality, Network Management, Delivery System Standards and Improvement Strategy

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Covered California is seeking stakeholder feedback on its efforts to promote accountability and support delivery system improvements. In a recently released request for information, Covered California solicits questions and suggestions in four key areas.

Those areas include:

  • Guiding Principles for Promoting Better Care and Delivery Reform
  • Current Qualified Health Plan Issuer Contract Terms: Quality, Network Management, Delivery System Standards and Improvement Strategy
  • Contractual Expectations Domains and Strategies: Right Care/Accountability and Delivery System Improvement
  • Enabling Factors that Promote Delivery Reform

Instructions for submitting feedback — due Feb. 15 — are also included in the notice. CHA will engage its Managed Care Committee to inform development of CHA’s comments. Members are invited to provide feedback to Amber Kemp, vice president, health care coverage by Feb. 8. Additional background information about Covered California’s process for refreshing its contractual expectations is available online.