What’s happening: CHA has created a signage template for you to consider posting alongside required seismic signage resulting from the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 1882.
What else to know: The deadline for compliance with AB 1882 posting requirements is Jan. 1, 2024. This template offers an opportunity for hospitals to emphasize their commitment to — and progress on — employee, patient, and visitor safety.
This content is restricted to members.
Additional information is available at the AB 1882 section of the Department of Health Care Access and Information’s website.
More CHA resources:
- Key Messages, Data, and Tools from CHA’s community engagement toolkit, Partnerships to Protect Access to Care
- A cover letter template for you to customize and use in preparing your first AB 1882 Annual Status Report
- A webinar recording and slide deck on these requirements
Information from HCAI:
- 1/1/2024 Seismic Compliance Deadline from Nov. 16: The slide deck is now available.
- NPC-5 Water Rationing Plan from Aug. 22: The slide deck and video recording are now available.
- AB 1882 Hospital Public Notices from Aug. 31: The slide deck and video recording are now available.
CHA is here to help. Please contact Kiyomi Burchill at kburchill@calhospital.org with any questions. HCAI has also offered to respond to questions via its Seismic Compliance Unit at seismiccomplianceunit@hcai.ca.gov.