CHA News

CMS Issues Draft Guidance on Co-location Policies, Comments Due July 2

For CEOs, CFOs, Reimbursement Staff, Licensing & Certification Staff, GR Staff, Post-Acute Care Executives

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

On May 3, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released draft guidance on co-location policies for hospitals that share space, staff, or services with another hospital or health care entity. The draft guidance was issued to clarify how CMS and state surveyors will evaluate these arrangements for compliance with the Medicare Conditions of Participation.

CHA will host a member forum on the guidance on June 21 at 1 p.m. (PT). During the call, CHA will provide an overview of the key provisions and solicit member feedback to inform our comments, which are due to CMS by July 2. Please register online for the forum by June 20 at noon (PT).

CMS will hold a National Provider Call on the draft guidance on June 27 at 11 a.m. (PT). CMS seeks input on staffing, contracted services, emergency services, and distinct and shared spaces. Registration is required. Comments and questions can be emailed in advance to with June 27 in the subject line.