The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the attached guidance to Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) on accepting fiscal year (FY) 2015 amended cost reports from hospitals requesting to revise Worksheet S-10. The guidance is issued in conjunction with CMS’ FY 2018 inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) proposed rule, which proposes to utilize Worksheet S-10 data for calculating Medicare disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments beginning in FY 2018. CMS states that amended cost reports received on or before Oct. 31 must be accepted by the MAC. If amended cost reports are submitted after Oct. 31, the MAC should follow normal timelines and procedures, including rejection of the cost report.
CHA urges members that wish to revise Worksheet S-10 of their FY 2015 cost report to do so before the Oct. 31 deadline, as the IPPS final rule is expected to be released in early August. While CHA continues to oppose the use of Worksheet S-10 data in Medicare DSH calculations, members should note that revisions to the cost report will be time-sensitive should CMS finalize its proposed policy.