CHA News

CHA Seeks Greater Transparency in OHCA Data Collection Process

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: On Dec. 1, CHA submitted a comment letter on the Office of Health Care Affordability’s (OHCA) total health care expenditure draft regulations.  

What else to know: These regulations will determine how health spending is attributed to providers and who will be accountable under the statewide spending target.    

The draft regulations and accompanying guidelines place the data submission requirements on payers rather than providers. Nevertheless, the rules are critically important as the resulting expenditures data will be used by OHCA to monitor hospitals and other health care entities’ performance against the spending targets.  

While CHA supports OHCA’s overall approach to data collection, we raise a number of concerns with the draft rules. Most notably, there is no process for validating the expenditures that payers attribute to providers and essentially no rules around how health plans and insurers perform this attribution.