What’s happening: CHA DataSuite, in partnership with DataGen, has released a hospital-specific summary analysis for the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM).
What else to know: CHA is distributing reports to members who have been selected for mandatory participation in TEAM.
The report summarizes 30-day episodes of care that were simulated based upon the TEAM framework described in the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2025 inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) final rule. CHA members may now access a detailed IPPS final rule summary, which includes the TEAM summary.
In the FFY 2025 IPPS final rule, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted a new five-year mandatory episode-based payment model with the goal of improving quality of care while simultaneously reducing Medicare spending for beneficiaries undergoing certain high-expenditure, high-volume surgical procedures, including lower-extremity joint replacement, surgical hip and femur facture treatment, coronary artery bypass graft, spinal fusion, and major bowel procedure.
CMS released a list of acute care hospitals in core-based statistical areas selected for mandatory TEAM participation and has requested that each hospital complete a form designating primary contacts for TEAM communications.
Email datasuitereports@calhospital.org with any questions.