CHA has provided member hospitals and health systems with preliminary reports on Medicare hospital wage index and occupational mix data. The reports are intended to provide a comparative review of the data that will be used to develop the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2021 Medicare hospital wage index. Hospitals are urged to review these data and submit requests for corrections by Feb. 14.
Under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) hospital wage index development timetable, Feb. 14 is the deadline for hospitals to submit requests either for corrections to errors in the January public use files (PUFs) as a result of CMS or Medicare administrative contractor (MAC) data mishandling, or for revisions of desk review adjustments to wage index data as included in the PUFs.
The data analyzed are revised and are the second of three wage and occupational mix data PUFs that CMS will issue to develop the FFY 2021 hospital wage index. Because these data are subject to revision, the analyses are not intended to be used to calculate hospital wage indexes, but rather to allow hospitals to review the most recent wage and occupational mix data as published by CMS.
Because this is the second release, there is not enough time for MACs to process new data. Therefore, no new data requests will be addressed. Requests and supporting documentation for revision requests must be submitted to the hospital’s MAC.
More information is available in the analysis descriptions.