CHA DataSuite has released two hospital-specific analyses. The first details the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) federal fiscal year (FFY) 2021 long-term care hospital (LTCH) prospective payment system proposed rule. This analysis is intended to show providers how Medicare LTCH fee-for-service payments would change from FFY 2020 to FFY 2021 based on the policies set forth in the proposed rule. The analyses incorporate changes to LTCH payments mandated by Congress and implemented by CMS.
Proposed rule payment changes modeled in the analysis include the market basket update, Affordable Care Act-mandated productivity reductions, budget neutrality adjustments, wage index and labor share updates, Medicare severity long-term care diagnosis-related group updates, site-neutral payment updates, and the Bipartisan Budget Act discharge payment percentage adjustment.
For more information, see the analysis description.
The second is hospital-specific analyses of Medicare hospital FFY 2022 wage index. The data analyzed are “preliminary” and are the first of the three wage public use files (PUFs) that CMS issues to develop the hospital wage index for FFY 2022.
It is important that hospitals review these wage data. Under CMS’ hospital wage index development timetable, hospitals have until September 3, 2020, to verify their data and submit correction requests with supporting documentation to their Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). This is the only opportunity hospitals will have to request revisions to their data. Subsequent opportunities for correction can only address MAC mishandling of data.
Hospitals have until August 3, 2020, an extension deadline due to COVID-19, to complete and submit the calendar year (CY) 2019 occupational mix surveys on the Hospital Reporting Form, CMS 10079 to their MACs. The CY 2019 Medicare occupational mix survey and instructions can be found here. Hospitals that encounter difficulty meeting this extended deadline should communicate their concerns to CMS via their MAC. CMS may consider an additional extension if determined it is warranted.
For more information, see the analysis description.