CHA DataSuite has released hospital-specific analyses of the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2024 Medicare inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system final rule. The analysis is intended to show providers how Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payments would change from FFY 2023 to FFY 2024 based on the policies set forth in the final rule. A detailed summary of the final rule is available for CHA members.
Changes modeled in this analysis include the market basket update, Affordable Care Act-mandated market basket adjustment, wage index budget neutrality (including all other budget neutrality), and wage index and labor share.
This analysis does not include impact estimates due to high-cost outliers, estimates for payments for managed care patients, or any modifications in FFS payments as a result of facility participation in new payment models being tested under Medicare demonstration/pilot programs. Dollar impacts in this analysis may differ from those provided by other organizations/associations due to differences in source data and analytic methods.
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