CHA DataSuite has issued two hospital-specific analyses — one detailing the Centers for Medicare & Services (CMS) federal fiscal year (FFY) 2020 long-term care hospital (LTCH) prospective payment system (PPS) final rule, and the other detailing FFY 2020 Medicare skilled-nursing facility PPS final rule.
Long-Term Care Hospital PPS FFY 2020 Final Rule
This analysis is intended to show providers how Medicare LTCH fee-for-service payments would change from FFY 2019 to FFY 2020 based on the policies set forth in the final rule. The analysis incorporates changes to LTCH payments mandated by Congress and implemented by CMS.
Final rule payment changes modeled in the analysis include the market basket update, Affordable Care Act-mandated productivity reductions, budget neutrality adjustments, wage index and labor share updates, Medicare severity long-term care diagnosis-related group updates, and site-neutral payment updates.
For more information, see the analysis description.
Medicare Skilled-Nursing Facility PPS FFY 2020 Final Rule
This analysis also shows providers how Medicare fee-for-service payments may change from FFY 2019 to FFY 2020 based on the policies set forth in the final rule. It incorporates changes to SNF payments mandated by Congress and implemented by CMS. Final changes modeled in the analysis include the market basket update, an Affordable Care Act-mandated productivity reduction, patient-driven payment model impact, budget neutrality adjustments, wage index and labor related share impact, and SNF value-based purchasing impact.
The impacts in this analysis do not reflect the 2% sequestration reduction to all lines of Medicare payment authorized by Congress and currently in effect through FFY 2027 – this impact, as it applies to SNF PPS-specific payments, has been calculated separately and is provided at the bottom of the impact table.
For more information, see the analysis description.