CHA News

CHA Alert Asks Hospitals to Urge Congress to Help with COVID-19 Relief, Not to Rush Surprise Billing Legislation

For CEOs, government relations executives

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

On Wednesday, CHA issued an Alert urging hospitals to contact their congressional representatives and ask them to provide additional relief to hospitals during the pandemic and avoid a rush to include surprise medical billing legislation in any year-end package.

As Congress continues to negotiate year-end spending issues and seems to be making progress toward a COVID-19 relief bill, there is also a significant effort underway in the House to include legislation on surprise medical billing in a year-end package.

Please contact your representatives and urge them not to include these harmful provisions in any end-of-year legislation. CHA also urges hospital leaders to continue to ask their representatives to take action to support providers during the lame duck session by continuing specific funding provisions and passing a much-needed COVID-19 relief bill as outlined in CHA’s Nov. 9 Alert.