Ask Congress to Urge HHS Secretary to Distribute Remaining Provider Relief Funds

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Action needed: 

Call or email your U.S. representative and urge them to sign on to a California delegation letter to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Secretary Becerra calling for the urgent distribution of the remaining Provider Relief Funds. 

To find your representative’s contact information:

Ask your member of Congress to contact the sponsor of the letter, Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), and his staff at For hospitals in Rep. Thompson’s district, please reach out and thank him for his support of California’s hospitals.


Call or email your representative by July 30.


California’s hospitals are estimated to lose $15.6 billion related to the COVID-19 pandemic, but total federal support to date has covered only $8.6 billion of the increased expenses and lost revenue. The gap between investment and federal support is partially due to a mismatch between when Provider Relief Funds (PRF) were disbursed and when California experienced surges in COVID-19 case counts.  

Urge your representative to sign on to a congressional delegation letter to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra calling for the urgent distribution of the remaining PRF.   

With COVID-19 hospitalizations on the rise again, the need for these funds is urgent. These remaining funds are vital to ensuring hospitals can continue the fight against COVID-19 and protect our communities during the ongoing pandemic.  

Importantly, some in Washington, DC are suggesting that unspent pandemic relief funds should be used to offset the cost of the infrastructure package. Tell your representative that your hospital needs the PRF to be spent as Congress intended — to ensure hospitals will be there for their communities during and after the pandemic.  

The delegation letter and infographics are available to support your outreach: