The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has recently updated the disease and condition reporting requirements and made several significant changes to the list of what must be reported to local health departments, and when.
The changes took effect Oct. 1 and include:
Removed and no Longer Reported
- Amebiasis
- Chlamydia trachomatis infections
- Streptococcal infections, outbreaks of any type, and individual cases in food handlers and dairy workers only
Timeline for Reporting Changed
- HIV infection, any stage, report within seven calendar days
Added and Now Reported
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, report immediately by telephone
- Paratyphoid fever, report within one working day
Reworded for Clarity
- Hepatitis B, reworded from “specify acute case or chronic” to “specify acute, chronic, or perinatal”
- Hepatitis C, reworded from “specify acute case or chronic” to “specify acute case, chronic, or perinatal”
- HIV infection, stage 3 (AIDS), reworded from “stage 3 (AIDS)” to “progression to stage 3 (AIDS)”
The complete, updated list of diseases and conditions is posted on the CDPH Division of Communicable Disease Control website.