On Feb. 28, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the Home- and Community-Based Services Assisted Living Waiver (ALW) renewal, effective March 1, 2019, through Feb. 28, 2024. The renewal includes 2,000 slots added in the CMS-approved amendment from October 2018, for a total capacity of 5,744.
The additional slots are being gradually added, at a rate of 500 per month, to allow care coordination agencies sufficient time to process applications within the waiver’s required 60-day window.
The ALW program serves Medi-Cal eligible individuals ages 21 and older and bridges the gap between independent living and nursing home care by offering an alternative to nursing facility placement and providing opportunities to transition out of nursing facilities. The CMS-approved ALW and the renewal approval letter are available on the DHCS website.