Search Results for: HP - Tools & Checklists

Showing 1 - 10 of 34 results

Checklist: Hospital Evacuation

This checklist provides guidance on developing or updating hospital evacuation plans, including detailed information, instructions, and procedures that can be engaged in any emergency situation necessitating either full or partial hospital evacuation, or sheltering in place.

Checklist: Hospital Surge Planning

Developed by the California Hospital Association’s Hospital Preparedness Program, this tool is designed to assist in evaluating and enhancing hospital surge capacity planning. It provides a comprehensive list of key components of surge planning, including staffing, space, supplies, communication, patient care, quality, training, and exercises.

Checklist: Shelter-in-Place

CHA developed the attached the Shelter-In-Place Planning Checklist, which includes a decision-making algorithm for shelter-in-place and evacuation activation and may be used to assist hospitals with developing, reviewing, or updating their plans. The checklist is intended to help hospitals ensure that elements listed have been addressed in their plans, policies, and procedures.

Checklist: Seasonal Influenza/Pandemic Preparedness

This checklist contains general recommendations to prompt review and action ahead of seasonal influenza and pandemic. Public health is the lead agency during these events; every effort should be made to remain up to date with rapidly changing local, state, and federal guidance and regulations. 

Checklist: Hospital Mass Fatality Planning

To enhance response, hospitals must coordinate their mass fatality planning activities with county and regional planning efforts. Education, training, and exercises should be implemented to ensure that staff are familiar with the plan and that it is practical. Additionally, the hospital’s mass fatality plan must align with state and local regulations, the National Incident Management System, and The Joint Commission’s standards.

Checklist: Developing an Incident Action Plan

This tool is designed to assist hospitals in the development of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for each operational period. The IAP uses a combination of Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Forms; it is minimally comprised of HICS 201 Incident Briefing, HICS 202 Incident Objectives, HICS 203 Organization Assignment List, HICS 204 Branch Assignment List, and HICS 215A Incident Action Safety Analysis.

Analysis Tool: Hazard Vulnerability

Kaiser Permanente has developed a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis tool and instruction sheet. This resource is available as a planning tool only; if sharing publicly, please credit Kaiser Permanente. This tool is not intended for commercial use.

SNF/NF Surge Planning Tool

All skilled-nursing and nursing facilities are required by federal regulations to “have detailed written plans and procedures to meet all potential emergencies and disasters, such as fire, severe weather, and missing residents.” California’s Health and Safety Code and California’s Code of Regulations – Title 22, (T22) specify the “details” that are required in the facility emergency plan. To help facilities prepare for the external disaster plan review during the annual survey process, the Department of Homeland Security has developed an optional self-assessment tool.