CHA DataSuite has released the Medicare hospital federal fiscal year (FFY) 2022 wage index and occupational mix data analysis, which is designed in the Information Builders platform. The data analyzed are “revised” and are the second of three wage and occupational mix data public use files (PUFs) that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued to develop the hospital wage index for FFY 2022.
It is important that hospitals review these wage data. Under CMS’ hospital wage index development timetable, hospitals have until Feb. 16 to submit requests for corrections to errors in the January PUFs due to CMS or Medicare administrative contractor (MAC) mishandling of the data, or for revisions of desk review adjustments to wage index data as included in the PUFs. Since this is the second release, there is not enough time for MACs to process new data; therefore, no new data requests will be addressed. Requests and supporting documentation for revision requests must be submitted to the hospital’s MAC.
For more information, see the analysis description.