Search Results for: "Standards, Regulations & Statutes""

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CMS 1135 Waivers

Documents CMS Presentation: 1135 Waivers and the Emergency Preparedness Rule 1135 Waivers At a Glance 1135 Waivers Authority Requesting an 1135 Waiver 101 1135 Waiver – Information to provide Public Health Emergency Declaration Q & A

EMTALA Information for Hospitals in a Disaster Setting

Enacted by Congress in 1986, the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) guarantees public access to emergency services without regard to the ability to pay. Under Section 1867 of the Social Security Act, hospitals participating in Medicare and providing emergency services are mandated to conduct a medical screening examination upon request for evaluation or treatment of an emergency medical condition, including active labor, irrespective of the individual’s financial status.

Federal Public Health Emergency Laws: Implications for Health Care Providers

This tool serves as a guide for understanding the legal context of public health emergency management on health care providers. It outlines the implications for and health care providers, covering key legal frameworks, including the Public Health Service Act and the Stafford Act, emphasizing their role in facilitating emergency responses during health crises. The tool also discusses the powers granted to federal and state authorities, coordination among agencies, and the importance of maintaining public safety and health during emergencies.

Hospital Emergency Management

California’s hospitals quickly mobilize and adapt to continue providing patient care during emergencies. These resources provide essential information to support hospitals’ emergency planning and response efforts. Quick Links Search Hospital Disaster Preparedness