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Member Hospitals and Systems

If you work for a CHA member hospital or health system, you are a member and eligible for member benefits.

Not a member? CHA offers a program for non-hospital companies that support CHA.

Contact Us

Sacramento Office

1215 K Street, Suite 700
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 443-7401

Washington, D.C., Office

499 South Capitol Street SW, Suite 410
Washington, D.C.  20003
(202) 488-3740

About the California Hospital Association

The California Hospital Association (CHA) advocates for California’s hospitals and health systems to support their work to care for all Californians in all ways. A not-for-profit corporation, CHA is connected to three regional associations: the Hospital Council Northern and Central California, Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC) and Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties (HASD&IC). Under a consolidated membership and dues structure, hospitals and health systems are members of both their regional association and CHA.

In 2013, CHA, Hospital Council, HASC and HASD&IC founded the Hospital Quality Institute to improve patient safety and quality care for all Californians and to advance California as a national leader in quality performance.

CHA is one of the largest hospital trade associations in the nation, serving more than 400 hospitals and health systems and 97 percent of the patient beds in California.

Patient Rights Poster

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Download the Patient Rights Poster for free or order a copy for only $2. (Last updated March 2017)

Note: To be legally compliant, poster must be readable and legible therefore this poster should be printed on 11″ x 17″ (tabloid) paper.


Each member in CHA strengthens our ability to advance the interests of all member hospitals and health systems in California. This collaborative relationship allows CHA to offer effective leadership in representation and advocacy, policy analysis, issue-specific expertise and much more. At CHA, we collaborate with our more than 400 member hospitals and health systems to provide strong and effective representation to advance the interests of California hospitals, patients and communities. For every $1 of dues paid each year, CHA returns hundreds of dollars of value to hospitals and health systems statewide.

Consolidated State & Regional Membership

CHA, operating in conjunction with its three corporate members, the Regional Associations, maintains a consolidated membership and dues structure. Hospital members of the three Regional Associations are also members of CHA:

Hospital Council Northern and Central California
Hospital Association of Southern California
Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties

CHA also offers associate membership to non-hospital companies that support the vision, mission and activities of the California Hospital Association and the hospitals and health systems that belong to CHA.

This website has been designed with members in mind, and its many features will help member hospitals and health systems stay informed on current health-related policy news, provide resources on the benefits of CHA membership, and connect you with CHA staff. Though some information is public, much more is available to those with a member account. If you work for a member hospital or system, you may register for an account using your work email address. For additional membership questions, please contact CHA.


The California Hospital Association provides member hospitals and health systems with representation and advocacy in the legislative and regulatory arenas. CHA advocates to maintain and improve access to high-quality, cost-effective, safe hospital and hospital-related services.

Whether policy is being shaped at the state or federal level, the power and impact of our collective voices strengthen CHA’s effectiveness. CHA’s dynamic team works collaboratively to maintain a unified statewide network for legislative action, educating and advocating on behalf of hospitals.

Patient Rights

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

California and federal laws give hospital patients many rights. Hospitals must notify patients of these rights by giving patients a handout and/or by putting posters up in the hospital.

CHA has developed a sample handout that hospitals may use to notify patients of their rights under state hospital licensing regulations, the Medicare Conditions of Participation, and The Joint Commission. In addition, CHA publishes a corresponding poster.

Quality & Patient Safety

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

CHA is committed to helping hospitals improve quality, reduce medical errors and adverse events, and maximize patient safety. To further those efforts, CHA and the Regional Associations established the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) in 2013 to realize statewide impact of improving patient safety and quality care for all Californians, to accelerate the rate of improvement and to advance California as a national leader in quality performance. HQI’s broad scope of work includes reducing patient harm, reducing health care-associated infections, reducing hospital readmissions, improving patient experience and improving maternal/child outcomes. Hospitals and health systems that belong to HQI — a voluntary organization — use it as an excellent source of performance data and analytics to focus improvement opportunities and take best practices to scale. In addition, CHPSO, the nation’s largest and longest operating patient safety organization, is a division of HQI.

CHA also regularly tracks and reports on important developments in the public reporting of hospital quality data, including OSHPD and Hospital Compare website data, and keeps members informed of regulations related to pay for quality reporting and performance.