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Health Care Facilities Reminded of New Requirement to Provide Plant-Based Meals

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The California Department of Public Health reminds health care providers that, effective Jan. 1, they must make plant-based meal options — without meat, poultry, fish, dairy or eggs — available to patients, in accordance with their physician’s orders. For more information about the law, see page 15 of CHA’s 2018 Report on Legislation.

CMS Finalizes Changes to Medicare Shared Savings Program

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a rule finalizing significant changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), intending to accelerate the timeline for accountable care organizations (ACOs) to take on downside risk.

How blockchain will affect healthcare in the next 5 years

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Leland Brewster, strategic investing director at healthcare advisory services firm Healthbox in Chicago, discusses the use of blockchain to put patients in control of their own data as well as his predictions on the technology’s imminent shifting area of focus in healthcare.

Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and length.

Question: Where is blockchain in healthcare now and how will it develop in 2019?

Editorial: Are CMS’ quality incentive programs working?

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November of this new year will mark the 20th anniversary of To Err Is Human, the first of two landmark Institute of Medicine reports castigating the nation’s hospitals and physicians for unnecessary lapses in safety and quality. 

The initial book-length study estimated medical errors claimed 98,000 lives a year. The second, Crossing the Quality Chasm, laid out a detailed road map for providers to improve the quality of care.

After nearly two decades of concerted efforts, it’s time for the National Academies to judge whether quality and safety have improved and where new work is needed most. 

Volunteer Conference to Highlight Innovations in Health Care

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Daniel Kraft, MD — a physician-scientist trained at Stanford and Harvard — will lead a general session at the 2019 California Hospital Volunteer Leadership Conference on game-changing technology trends poised to revolutionize medicine in the next decade.

During the session, Dr. Kraft will provide a snapshot of upcoming medical innovations — powered by new tools, tests and mobile apps — that will bring diagnostic information directly to patients. He’ll also cover emerging fields that promise to empower patients and help clinicians deliver better care at lower cost. These include low-cost personal genomics, digitized health records, crowd-sourced data, molecular imaging, wearable devices and mobile health.

Why attend?

Listen to a world-renowned physician, scientist, inventor and innovator
Learn how health care is rapidly evolving
Understand how volunteers fit into this changing landscape and can best serve their hospital and community

The conference will be held Feb. 11-13 in at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. To register, visit the conference website.

Dr. Kraft serves as faculty chair for medicine at Singularity University and is founder and chair of Exponential Medicine, a program that explores the convergence of accelerating technologies and their implications for the future of health care. For more information, click here.

Senior Graphic Designer

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Based in Sacramento, the California Hospital Association (CHA) is the statewide leader representing the interests of more than 400 hospitals and health systems in California. We collaborate with our members to provide strong and effective representation and advocacy to advance the interests of California hospitals, patients and communities. CHA is a trusted resource, working with members to achieve legislative, regulatory, and legal goals at the state and federal levels.

The Root Cause of Physician Burnout: Neither Professionals nor Skilled Workers

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Too many specific theories about physician burnout can cloud the real issue and allow healthcare leaders to circle around the “elephant in the room”.

The cause of physician burnout isn’t just the EMRs, Meaningful Use, CMS regulations, the chronic disease epidemic or any other single item.

Instead, it is simply this: Healthcare today has no clear definition of what a physician is. We are more or less suddenly finding ourselves on a playing field, tackled and hollered at, without knowing what sport we are playing and what the rules are.

Workforce Committee Meetings

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The Workforce Committee meets periodically throughout the year in Sacramento.

Listed below are the upcoming dates and times, as well as meeting information packets from previous meetings.


March 14, 2019 (Sacramento)

May 9, 2019 (via teleconference)

September 12, 2019 (HR & Workforce Forum, Sacramento)

Human Resources Committee Meetings

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The Human Resources Committee meets periodically throughout the year. Listed below are the upcoming dates and times, as well as meeting information packets from previous meetings.


February 27, 2019 (via teleconference)

March 27, 2019 (via teleconference)

April 24, 2019 (via teleconference)

May 16, 2019 (In-person, Sacramento)

June 26, 2019 (via teleconference)

July 24, 2019 (via teleconference)

August 28, 2019 (via teleconference)

September 12, 2019 (HR & Workforce Summit, In-person, Sacramento)

October 23, 2019 (via teleconference)

November 27, 2019 (via teleconference)