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State Waivers and AFLs

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CHA has prepared a how-to guide for requesting state federal waivers.

Questions? Contact Lois Richardson at

Guide to State Waivers and Program Flexibilities

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CHA has prepared a how-to guide for requesting program flexibility from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), including links to the CDPH forms for requests to suspend both state licensing regulations and statutes. Questions?

Resource Requests

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With resources at critically low levels across all regions of the state, the nation, and worldwide, the best way to get supplies in California is to request them through the Medical and Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC) Program.

A list of county MHOAC contacts is here.

Instructions for requesting supplies through MHOAC — a process that is tested annually with your hospital and disaster coordinator during the November Statewide Medical and Health Exercise — are below.


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As California’s hospitals continue their life-saving work during the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital associations are grateful for the opportunity to support them. collects the relevant tools and resources we’ve developed to date — with more to come as we continue to help hospitals care for all Californians, in all ways.

Online Training to Help Hospitals Address Implicit Bias in Maternity Care

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Effective January 2020, California Senate Bill 464 (Mitchell, 2019) requires California hospitals to educate their perinatal care staff about implicit bias. After consultation with the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) and other stakeholders, California Health Care Foundation has funded Diversity Science to develop online learning modules and associated resources for hospitals to assist them with this legislative requirement.

CDPH Issues AFL Announcing New Electronic Process for Reporting a Death Associated with Restraint or Seclusion

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The California Department of Public Health has issued an All Facilities Letter notifying hospitals that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) no longer accepts paper forms for reporting deaths associated with restraint or seclusion, and that hospitals must report those deaths electronically.

USP Panel Remands Revised Compounding Standards for Further Review

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Last week, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) appeals panel remanded the revised USP General Chapter standards 795 for nonsterile compounding and 797 for sterile compounding to an expert committee “for further engagement on the issues raised concerning the beyond-use date provisions.”

CHA Coronavirus Webinar Tomorrow to Focus on Employee Safety Guidance; Last Week’s Webinar Available

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To help hospitals and health systems implement the most current rules on worker safety relative to COVID-19, CHA will host a complimentary, members-only webinar March 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (PT). The webinar will focus on untangling employee safety regulations and guidance around coronavirus as community transmission of COVID-19 increases.

CEO Message: Rising to Meet the Moment

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“Men’s and nations’ finest hour consist of those moments when extraordinary challenge is met by extraordinary response.”   — Neal A. Maxwell

As the days and nights have blended together over the past two weeks during the growing coronavirus threat, there’s one thought that continues to rise in my mind.

It’s this: How fortunate; how very fortunate we are to have the dedication of our teammates during this uncertain time.