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COVID-19: Hospital Visitor and Support Person Laws and Guidelines Webinar

Originally recorded October 30, 2020




Visitation challenges have become increasingly complex as hospitals address access issues and must comply with changing COVID 19-related requirements and guidance. Establishing guidelines to determine who can visit which patients while keeping patients and staff safe can prove challenging. This webinar can help.

New Reporting Requirements for HHS Provider Relief Funding Webinar

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Originally recorded October 14, 2020




One way of doing things, then another. 
On Jun. 14, HHS CARES Provider Relief Fund defined lost revenue as any revenue a provider lost due to COVID-19. That changed dramatically on Sept. 19 when HHS issued a new definition of lost revenue.

This new definition is especially problematic for hospitals and will impact planning and budgeting, accounting, auditing and bond ratings. This program will:

2019-21 Hospital Fee Program Invoices Due Oct. 14

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Invoices for the 2019-21 Hospital Fee Program, fee-for-service cycle 4, were mailed on March 20; payments are due Oct. 14. The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) prefers fee payments to be made via electronic funds transfer.   

DHCS Offers List of Certified Recovery or Treatment Facilities

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A web page maintained by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) may be useful for emergency departments and psychiatric hospitals in locating discharge sites. The list is alphabetical by county and includes all non-medical licensed residential facilities and alcoholism and drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities, as well as outpatient programs licensed and/or certified by DHCS. Contact numbers, addresses, and resident capacity are contained in the data.  

CEO Message: CA Needs New Thinking on Disaster Readiness

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As California makes the steady, grim climb toward 20,000 deaths resulting from COVID-19, policy makers and the leaders of front-line health care organizations already are turning some of their attention to how we can improve our response when widespread disasters strike in the future. 

CDPH Encourages SNF Residents to Vote

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The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued all facilities letter (AFL) 20-78,  which encourages skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to ensure that as many residents as possible are able to  vote while following public health guidelines.  The AFL provides suggestions for specific steps SNF can take to support safe voting, and encourages SNFs to work with their local long term care (LTC) ombudsman.   

The AFL follows guidance recently issued by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which affirms the continued right of nursing home residents to exercise their right to vote, and that SNFs must take steps to ensure that a resident’s  right to vote is not impeded. 

CHA DataSuite Releases Analyses of Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program

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CHA DataSuite has released hospital-specific analyses of the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2021 Medicare inpatient hospital acquired conditions (HACs) reduction program. The analysis is intended to show hospitals a preview of the potential impact of the FFY 2021 program based on publicly available data and program rules established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  

Updates for the Week of Oct. 5

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued the following update this week:​

Hospice Quality Reporting Program: Successful Facilities for FY 2021
SNF and LTCH Quality Reporting Programs: COVID-19 Public Reporting — Revised
Draft Hospice Item Set Manual V3.0 Available

CMS Updates COVID-19 Data Reporting Requirements

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released guidance (with accompanying FAQs from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) that includes new reporting requirements as well as information on how it will enforce CMS’ interim final rule that was published in September.