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Biden Administration Announces Grants for Health Departments to Address COVID-19 Disparities

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On March 17, the Biden administration announced the availability of $2.5 billion in grant funding to address COVID-19 health disparities and advance health equity among high-risk and underserved populations.  

The grants, available to state and local health departments that serve a population of 400,000 or more, will: 

Governor Signs COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Bill

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On March 19, Gov. Newsom signed Senate Bill 95, the COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave bill. As a budget trailer bill, it goes into effect immediately, but employers have until March 29 to come into compliance.  

The law requires employers with more than 25 employees to provide paid sick leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2021. While some aspects of the law are identical to the COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave law that expired on Dec. 31, 2020, there are some significant differences.

Updates for the Week of March 15

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued the following updates this week:

SNF Quality Reporting Program: Achieving a Full APU Webinar: March 30 
Doctors and Clinicians Preview Period Ends March 25 

Pre-recorded Presentation: Preview Period: Performance Information for Doctors and Clinicians 
Doctors and Clinicians Preview Period User Guide 

DHCS Releases Hospital Fee Program Directed Payment Encounter Data Files

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On March 12, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) uploaded three new hospital-directed encounter files, available via the secure file transfer protocol site (the site is only intended for file transfers, and uploaded files will be deleted within 45 days).  

Messaging Available on Price Transparency

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As hospitals work to implement the new federal rule on price transparency, CHA is providing these key messages for your use or customization when talking with policymakers, the media, or the public about this issue. AHA also has several useful resources. 

Hospital Supplier Diversity Reports Due July 1; OSHPD Guidance Still in Development

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Hospitals with operating expenses of $50 million of more, and licensed hospitals with operating expenses of $25 million or more that are part of a hospital system, are required to submit an annual report to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) on their minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprise procurement efforts (Health and Safety Code Section 1339.85-1339.87). The first report is due July 1. 

CEO Message: 2021 Legislative Landscape Demands Focus, Engagement, and Some Compromise

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For hospitals, the past year of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the most frenetic, intense periods in health care in memory. 

For other sectors – restaurants, tourism, and more – things slowed to a snail’s pace. This is also true of government, where state and federal legislators in 2020 processed a limited number of bills as they focused on the crisis and their communities.