Search Results for: "HP - Emergency Management"

Showing 21 - 30 of 36 results

Supporting Employee Needs Through Uncharted Territory

2021 Virtual Disaster Conference

Health care workers were front and center in caring for patients during the pandemic. Employers quickly implemented workforce strategies, resources, and programs to address employee safety as well as mental, physical, and financial needs during the pandemic. In this presentation, Sharp HealthCare shared its best practices, programs, and resources.

Managing and Expanding Energy & Excellence

2021 Virtual Disaster Conference

This session encourages attendees to examine elements of purpose, passion, relationships, and vision that contribute to well-being at work and in life. Well-being is paramount to enhancing resiliency and creating performance excellence during adversity.

Supply Chain Management: Creative Solutions, Long-Term Planning

2021 Virtual Disaster Conference

Cottage Health shares strategies that allowed it to be successful in ensuring personal protective equipment for staff across its hospitals, laboratory, and urgent care centers. Presenters also shared ongoing measures still in effect and strategies currently being implemented to prepare for the future.

Disaster Planning 101: The Process Works

2023 Disaster Conference

Presented by members of California’s Regional Disaster Medical Health Coordinators and Specialists (RDMHS) team, this presentation highlights the process by which medical health resource requests are fulfilled, both inside and outside the region(s). The presentation details real-life examples, and provides an overview of the challenges faced, and solutions implemented, to fulfill these requests.

Being a READY Rural Hospital

2023 Disaster Conference

Rural communities face many challenges and resource limitations. When an emergency arises, it is not the time to scramble to find needed resources. Ideally resource needs have been identified and memoranda of understanding (MOUs) are already in place, ready to access if needed. Rural hospitals are a hub of the community and can lead the way in emergency preparedness collaboration and organization by establishing relationships, contacts and MOUs with business, schools, and community organizations. 

Virtual Reality for Emergency Management Training

2023 Disaster Conference

The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services require that health care entities maintain “all-hazard” emergency preparedness and response capability and capacity. Leveraging virtual reality (VR) as a training modality for emergency management training holds great promise as an effective, realistic, immersive, and scalable health care training strategy.

This session discussed adult learning theory, emergency management training challenges and strategies, and how virtual reality provides an efficient alternative to traditional training methods. 

Improving Health Care Delivery in Disasters

2016 Disaster Conference

This resource provides an overview of how hospitals can prepare for a wide range of incidents that disrupt the flow of operations and reviews ways hospitals can be better prepared to sustain the impact of a storm, flood, or other natural disaster.

Incorporating Clinics into Network Command Centers

2018 Disaster Conference

This session provides an overview of how hospitals can include clinics in their emergency operations plans, exercises, and communications to meet standards and requirements, as well as strengthen their overall emergency response capabilities.