Search Results for: "Vulnerable Populations"

Showing 11 - 20 of 35 results

Pediatric Hospital Surge Capacity in Public Health Emergencies

Shared by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), this tool addresses the special medical needs of children, and emphasizes how health care facilities must be prepared for both pediatric and adult victims of bio-terrorism attacks, including those resulting from dispersal of airborne or food borne agents.

Access & Functional Needs (AFN)

In 2008, California established the Office of Access and Functional Needs (OAFN) within the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. This collection of CalOES online resources identify the needs of individuals with disabilities and others with access or functional needs before, during, and after disasters and to integrate them into the State’s emergency management systems.

Access and Functional Needs: Hospital Disaster Guidebook

Shared by Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, this reference aims to assist hospital emergency managers prepare, plan and conduct exercises and training with local Access and Functional Needs (AFN) communities. Funded through a grant from the California Community Foundation, the tool was developed for use by emergency management professionals in the health care industry.

Preparing for Pediatric Disaster Victims

2024 Disaster Conference

This presentation provides valuable insight into pediatric disaster planning and response and highlights three new resources – a family preparedness activity, a pediatric decontamination picture book, and a virtual training workshop covering many pediatric disaster scenarios.

Pediatric Patient Surge Preparedness

2024 Disaster Conference

This presentation outlines approaches for pediatric patient surges: what to prepare for, important roles and responsibilities, and share resources and best practices. The session reviews pediatric surge planing and reviews steps to developing an plan for mass casualty incidents.

California’s Neonatal, Pediatric and Perinatal Disaster Preparedness in Action

2016 Disaster Conference

This session identifies current local, regional, state and national resources and efforts supporting disaster preparedness for infants and children. The session describe why a statewide CONOPs for infants and children is essential to California’s Med/Health Preparedness, and lists resources for improving local capabilities for infants, children and pregnant women.