Checklist: Hospital CEO H1N1 Response Planning
CHA’s Hospital Preparedness Program developed this checklist for hospital CEOs. It serves as a reference to ensure appropriate planning is occurring within hospital and health care organizations.
CHA’s Hospital Preparedness Program developed this checklist for hospital CEOs. It serves as a reference to ensure appropriate planning is occurring within hospital and health care organizations.
All skilled-nursing and nursing facilities are required by federal regulations to “have detailed written plans and procedures to meet all potential emergencies and disasters, such as fire, severe weather, and missing residents.” California’s Health and Safety Code and California’s Code of Regulations – Title 22, (T22) specify the “details” that are required in the facility emergency plan. To help facilities prepare for the external disaster plan review during the annual survey process, the Department of Homeland Security has developed an optional self-assessment tool.
Hospitals facing a sudden rise in emergency department patients may find it necessary to establish a surge tent for triage purposes.
Developed by the California Hospital Association’s Hospital Preparedness Program, this tool is designed to assist in evaluating and enhancing hospital surge capacity planning. It provides a comprehensive list of key components of surge planning, including staffing, space, supplies, communication, patient care, quality, training, and exercises.
This Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Toolkit is designed to support writing and implementing a crisis communication plan that clearly defines hospitals’ goals, objectives and actions in response to a disaster. The toolkit also provides specific guidelines and instructions for communicating during emergencies. Download the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Toolkit
In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, CHA released the Hospital Code Silver Activation Active Shooter Planning Checklist to help hospitals review and develop active shooter response plans. The tool was developed with key advisement from agencies including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety.
Kaiser Permanente has developed a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis tool and instruction sheet. This resource is available as a planning tool only; if sharing publicly, please credit Kaiser Permanente. This tool is not intended for commercial use.
To help members plan for and respond to the financial impacts impacts of disasters, the California Hospital Association has prepared this guide outlining considerations for hospitals as they develop a financial preparedness and response plan.
The Guidelines for Developing Best Practices to Assist California Hospitals in Preparing for and Responding to a Water Disruption toolkit may be used for hospital water disruption planning activities.
This tool is designed to assist hospitals in the development of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for each operational period. The IAP uses a combination of Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Forms; it is minimally comprised of HICS 201 Incident Briefing, HICS 202 Incident Objectives, HICS 203 Organization Assignment List, HICS 204 Branch Assignment List, and HICS 215A Incident Action Safety Analysis.