Search Results for: "HP - Continuity Planning"

Showing 11 - 20 of 21 results

The Hospital Board’s Role in Disaster Readiness

Hospitals continue to fine-tune their local disaster readiness plans and further detail how they will work with regional teams when disaster strikes. Although hospitals’ board of trustees are not responsible for the development and implementation of disaster plans, it is the board’s fiduciary responsibility to ensure that a clear plan is in place and that the funding and resources necessary to carry out the plan are available.

Hospital Business Continuity Templates

These business continuity plan (BCP) templates and instruction manuals are provided by the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency to assist health care facilities develop their business continuity plans and meet the Hospital Preparedness Program’s Health Care Preparedness Capability.

Building Business Continuity for Health Care’s Future

2024 Disaster Conference

Presented by Mass General Brigham’s Department of Emergency Preparedness and Continuity (DEPC), this session outlines development of a health care-centric sustainable and effective continuity program. DEPC developed tools and adapted traditional practices to focus on capability building and maintaining mission essential functions.

Toolkit: Doing Business During an Influenza Pandemic

Pandemic planning is crucial to maintain effective hospital operations from reducing disease transmission among health care workers to cross-training staff, preparation is essential to maintaining critical operations when key personnel are unavailable. Federal agencies have provided guidance for hospitals to prepare for and respond to pandemics; this paper offers actionable steps, templates, and model policies for health care leaders to ensure the safety of their workforce and the continuity of care during health crises.

Hospital Evacuation: Lessons Learned from the Caldor Fire

2022 Disaster Conference

This presentation from Barton Health provides insights on response and business continuity plans in the event of a wildfire evacuation. Presenters share lessons learned from the full-scale evacuation of Barton Memorial Hospital and skilled-nursing facility in response to the Caldor Fire. The presentation reviews the logistical challenges of evacuating and repopulating a bi-state rural health care system, explore staffing and personnel challenges and considerations, and shares lessons learned.