Search Results for: "Evacuation"

Showing 11 - 20 of 42 results

Hospital Evacuation: Lessons Learned from the Caldor Fire

2022 Disaster Conference

This presentation from Barton Health provides insights on response and business continuity plans in the event of a wildfire evacuation. Presenters share lessons learned from the full-scale evacuation of Barton Memorial Hospital and skilled-nursing facility in response to the Caldor Fire. The presentation reviews the logistical challenges of evacuating and repopulating a bi-state rural health care system, explore staffing and personnel challenges and considerations, and shares lessons learned.

Hospital Evacuations: What Happens When the Lights Go Out?

2024 Disaster Conference

This presentation focuses on the dynamics of emergency preparedness under adverse conditions, where collaboration and communication faced unique challenges within an unfamiliar setting. Gain insights into the complexities of managing power outages while ensuring the safety and well-being of all those involved and obtain lessons learned for enhancing emergency preparedness response strategies.

Patient Movement Surge Playbook

2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

Shared by the Alameda County Emergency Services Agency, the California Patient Movement Surge Playbook Poster outlines a framework for managing complex patient transfers and hospital capacity challenges during catastrophic events. It identifies gaps in patient movement, coordination priorities, and best practices.

Hospital Assessment and Recovery Guide

This guide is designed to help organize the initial assessment of a hospital upon return after an evacuation/closure due to an emergency event. The specific assessments are meant to be conducted by hospital staff to assess the level and locations of damage sustained by the hospital, and provide information that will be needed to create the full recovery plan. This guide will be particularly useful for assessing a hospital that has sustained significant or widespread damage.

California Patient Movement Plan

EMSA/CDPH Collaboration The California Patient Movement Plan provides statewide guidance for large-scale patient movement and serves as framework for local planning efforts. Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will conduct training and exercises based on the plan.

Checklist: Shelter-in-Place

CHA developed the attached the Shelter-In-Place Planning Checklist, which includes a decision-making algorithm for shelter-in-place and evacuation activation and may be used to assist hospitals with developing, reviewing, or updating their plans. The checklist is intended to help hospitals ensure that elements listed have been addressed in their plans, policies, and procedures.

Increasing Knowledge and Perceptions of Disaster Preparedness: A Brief Educational Intervention

2022 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles shares their review of evacuation plans, and details the critical need for health care organizations to plan for addressing evacuation, educate hospital staff on response procedures, and practice protocols through drills and exercises. The process identifies gaps in processes and staff education and helps engage stakeholders to review the organization’s plan and pilot educational interventions.

Patients Safe, Health Facilities Operational After Major Earthquakes

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Patients at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital and Bella Sera Skilled Nursing Facility are safe, and both facilities are fully operating except for minor repairs after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake on July 5 and a 6.4 magnitude tremor the day before, both centered near Ridgecrest. After the first quake on July 4, the critical access hospital’s patients were evacuated, but the Emergency Department continued to triage incoming patients, directing them to other facilities as needed. Following the even larger earthquake on July 5, Bella Sera Skilled Nursing Facility lost power and worked with local, regional and state partners to prepare for evacuation, which ultimately wasn’t necessary.