Search Results for: "2022 Disaster Conference"

Showing 11 - 20 of 24 results

Kaiser Permanente Shares Tips for Standardizing Incident Response and Maintaining System-Wide Situational Awareness

2022 Disaster Conference

Kaiser Permanente presents on its journey to standardize emergency response across eight regions, 42 hospitals, and a national command center. Learn about the research, development, and implementation of an incident response tool that fosters effective, accurate, and timely communication. Learnings from Kaiser Permanente can help other hospitals identify technology needs, potential questions, issues and strategies as they work to improve incident response.

Hospital Guidebook for Access and Functional Needs in a Disaster

2022 Disaster Conference

The growing population of older adults in the United States with complex medical conditions are typically the most severely impacted by large-scale weather and climate disasters. A health care systems’ ability to leverage technology and optimize limited resources during an emergency is universal. Join us to learn how the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) established the Vulnerable Patient Care, Access, and Response in Emergencies (VP CARE) Program to provide standardized data tools and guidance to assist medical facilities with conducting outreach and care coordination to vulnerable Veteran populations during major emergencies

Building Crisis Standards of Care During COVID-19

2022 Disaster Conference

The pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the health care system and how we deliver care. The Emergency Department is often on the front line when making difficult decisions regarding care when resources become scarce. It is important to address this with education on crisis standards of care as well as scrutiny of existing models. This includes challenging how they are best designed to meet our current needs, where there might be crucial gaps in the assessment of need and delivery of care, and when they must be implemented.

2022 Disaster Planning Conference

REMEMBER, RECHARGE, and RECONNECT “Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present.” -Thomas Monson What health care workers experienced over the last two years will be talked about for generations to come. We suffered professional and personal losses, pushed ourselves beyond our limits, and learned more than we ever expected. Fortunately, […]

Wildfire Evacuation Planning

2022 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

Shared by Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center, this tool details the background, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions stemming from the August 2020 wildfire in Santa Cruz County that placed the hospital at risk for evacuation. The resource offers an inside look into the considerations weighed by the emergency response team, details how risk factors were analyzed, and shows evacuation methods considered as the event unfolded.

Virtual/Hybrid Emergency Response Planning

2022 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

Shared by Stanford Health Care, this tool demonstrates how hospitals and health systems can deploy their Incident Management Team and Command Center virtually. The resource offers helpful information on weighing pros/cons, examines application scenarios, and explores the challenges and opportunities associated with virtual/hybrid emergency response.

Model Surge & Emergency Operations Coalition

2022 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

Shared by Sierra View Medical Center, this tool demonstrates the County of Tulare model of a Surge & Emergency Operations Coalition, showing how it can effectively serve as a framework to establish a coalitions at the local, regional, and/or state level to enhance communication, demonstrate a common vision, and foster collaborations towards a shared mission.

Social Media Roles in Emergency Management

2022 Disaster Conference

The public information officer (PIO) is a vital part of the incident command team, charged with delivering accurate information to the right people at the right time. This session will review the role of the PIO and present attendees with strategies for utilizing social media for emergency communications.