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What qualifications does an instructor need to teach ICS 100, 200 and 700 in the classroom setting?

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the NIMS Integration Center is responsible for facilitating the development of national guidelines for incident management training and exercises at all jurisdictional levels, while individual agencies and organizations are responsible for establishing and certifying instructors. The NIMS Center provides the following guidelines for ICS instructors: ICS-100 Instructors Lead […]

What are the required drills and exercises for hospitals?

There are different requirements for the various accrediting bodies and grant requirements. For example, the Hospital Preparedness Program grant may require participation in the Annual Statewide Medical Health Exercise. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) Compliance for Healthcare Objective 7 states that NIMS concepts and principles are promoted into all organization-related training and exercises. The […]

What is the difference between a tabletop exercise, a drill, a functional exercise, and a full-scale exercise?

According to the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) there are seven types of exercises, each of which is either discussion-based or operations-based. Discussion-based exercises familiarize participants with current plans, policies, agreements and procedures, or may be used to develop new plans, policies, agreements, and procedures. Types of discussion-based exercises include: Seminar: A seminar is an informal […]

What are the steps in planning a drill or exercise?

The initial steps to planning an exercise include identifying: Exercise purpose Proposed exercise scenario, capabilities, tasks, and objectives Available exercise resources Proposed exercise location, date, and duration Exercise planning team and exercise participants An exercise Interim Planning Meeting can establish: The exercise planning schedule Clearly defined, obtainable, and measurable exercise capabilities, tasks, and objectives Identified […]

How should hospitals decide what to include in their drills and exercises?

The hospital’s Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) assists exercise planners in identifying threats facing the facility. The facility’s HVA provides a list of top scenarios to base future drills and exercises on. Additionally, past after action reports and improvement plans provide previously identified areas for improvement that can be tested. Community-wide discussions and planning with local […]

What is an Incident Action Plan (IAP) and when are hospitals required to write an IAP?

The Incident Action Plan contains objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy and specific tactical actions and supporting information for the next operational period. The hospital’s IAP is generally comprised of: Form 201: Incident Briefing Form 202: Incident Objectives Form 203: Organizational Assignments Form 204: Branch Assignment List Form: 215A: Incident Action Plan (IAP) Safety Analysis […]

What requirements do hospital have related to creating a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) or and Improvement Plan (IP) after an event or exercise?

Hospitals are required by The Joint Commission to monitor performance and evaluate each exercise or actual event using a multidisciplinary process that involves licensed independent practitioners. During an exercise, individuals are to be designated to observe performance and document opportunities for improvement. That evaluation process is to result in: Documented identification of deficiencies and opportunities […]

What is the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and how does it impact hospitals?

The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)is a capabilities and performance-based exercise program which provides a standardized policy, methodology, and terminology for exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. Using HSEEP helps ensures that exercise programs conform to established best practices, and helps provide unity and consistency of effort for exercises at the […]