Search Results for: "HP - Tools & Checklists"

Showing 1 - 10 of 22 results

Engaging Offsite Clinical Partners in Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

Developed by Stanford Health Care, this tool details how this health care system re-engaged more than 140 outpatient clinics by rounding on their disaster supplies, networking in person, and coordinating offsite sessions to complete a site-specific Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA).

Considerations in Disaster Meal Planning

2023 Disaster Conference – Best Practice Showcase

This resource highlights considerations in planning for food and water supplies to support patients, staff, and community members during disasters. Key elements include performing a hazard vulnerability analysis, ensuring compliance with CMS requirements, establishing protocols for subsistence, and creating adaptable menus. The poster also emphasizes regulatory compliance and practical considerations, like backup power, sanitation, and the ability to prepare food without utilities.

Checklist: Hospital Evacuation

This checklist provides guidance on developing or updating hospital evacuation plans, including detailed information, instructions, and procedures that can be engaged in any emergency situation necessitating either full or partial hospital evacuation, or sheltering in place.

Toolkit: Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication

This Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Toolkit is designed to support writing and implementing a crisis communication plan that clearly defines hospitals’ goals, objectives and actions in response to a disaster. The toolkit also provides specific guidelines and instructions for communicating during emergencies. Download the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Toolkit

Checklist: Developing an Incident Action Plan

This tool is designed to assist hospitals in the development of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for each operational period. The IAP uses a combination of Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Forms; it is minimally comprised of HICS 201 Incident Briefing, HICS 202 Incident Objectives, HICS 203 Organization Assignment List, HICS 204 Branch Assignment List, and HICS 215A Incident Action Safety Analysis.

Hospital Emergency Food Supply Planning Guidance and Toolkit

This toolkit, developed for hospital food services directors and/or hospital dietitians, helps hospitals plan for and document emergency food supplies according to regulatory requirements. Hospital emergency planners should also review and become familiar with these documents for joint planning purposes.

Checklist: Hospital Mass Fatality Planning

To enhance response, hospitals must coordinate their mass fatality planning activities with county and regional planning efforts. Education, training, and exercises should be implemented to ensure that staff are familiar with the plan and that it is practical. Additionally, the hospital’s mass fatality plan must align with state and local regulations, the National Incident Management System, and The Joint Commission’s standards.