
The newsroom includes access to CHA News, which provides timely information to members every Thursday and is at the core of CHA benefits. In addition, it is also home to resources such as toolkits and talking points designed to help member hospitals and health systems communicate with internal and external audiences on a range of current health care-related issues. Links to CHA media statements and press releases can also be found here.  

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CHA Comments on CY 2025 Home Health Payment Rule

What’s happening: CHA submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to the calendar year 2025 home health prospective payment system proposed rule.  

What else to know: CHA thanks members for their feedback, which helped to inform comments. 

New Provider Complaint Process Aims to Increase Federal Oversight of Medicare Advantage Plans

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented a new process allowing providers to submit questions and complaints related to Medicare Advantage (MA) plan appeals or claims payment issues. 

What else to know: CHA welcomes these first steps in establishing greater CMS oversight for MA plans. The MA final rule, which took effect on Jan. 1, codified important new policies and expectations for MA plans, directed toward greater alignment between traditional Medicare and MA.   

DHCS Releases CalAIM Transitional Care Resource

What’s happening: The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has issued a new resource to support the development and implementation of transitional care services, a component of California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), the state’s Medi-Cal reform initiative.  

What else to know: Under CalAIM, Medi-Cal managed care plans are responsible for delivering transitional care services to members who are transferred from one setting or location to another, such as discharged from a hospital to a skilled-nursing facility or to home. As envisioned, these services support individuals from the start of the discharge planning process through their transition until they have been successfully connected to needed long-term services and support.  

CHA DataSuite Releases FFY 2026 Wage Index Reclassification Test Analysis

What’s happening: CHA DataSuite issued a hospital-specific analysis of the Medicare hospital federal fiscal year (FFY) 2026 wage index reclassification. 

What else to know: The Medicare hospital wage index average hourly wage criteria test analysis allows hospitals to test their potential ability to achieve a FFY 2026 Medicare hospital wage index reclassification. 

CHA to Host Webinar on Buffer Zone Approach to Hospital Crowding

What’s happening: CHA will host a members-only webinar on The Buffer Zone: A Novel Approach to Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Surge in the Era of Hospital Crowding on Aug. 26 from 10-11 a.m. (PT). Registration is open.  

What else to know: In this session, Scott Goldberg, MD, MPH, medical director of emergency preparedness at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, will highlight the hospital’s experience with developing and implementing buffer zones as part of their institution’s MCI plans and highlight the lessons learned during the operationalization of their buffer zone plan. 

Hospital Fee Program Invoices Due Aug. 28

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: Payments for the 2022 Hospital Fee Program, managed care July-December directed payment cycle, are due to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) on Aug. 28.   

What else to know: DHCS mailed invoices to hospitals in July. CHA encourages those at risk of not paying their invoices in full by Aug. 28 to notify DHCS in advance of the due date about any financial hardship.       

Press Contact

Jan Emerson-Shea
Vice President, External Affairs
(916) 552-7516

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