
The newsroom includes access to CHA News, which provides timely information to members every Thursday and is at the core of CHA benefits. In addition, it is also home to resources such as toolkits and talking points designed to help member hospitals and health systems communicate with internal and external audiences on a range of current health care-related issues. Links to CHA media statements and press releases can also be found here.  

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Eye on Washington — Health Care in Spotlight as Congress Reconvenes

With less than two months before America selects its next president, Congress has returned to Washington, D.C., to consider a federal funding plan, with action required before Sept. 30 to avoid a government shutdown. Given it is an election year, a shutdown is unlikely, and Congress will need to take temporary actions to keep programs operating.  

Update: Court Determines CHA Lawsuit Against Anthem is a “Complex Case”

What’s happening: A Los Angeles Superior Court Judge has designated a lawsuit brought by CHA against Anthem Blue Cross a “complex case,” requiring exceptional judicial management.  

What else to know: CHA’s suit challenges Anthem’s failure to authorize and arrange for access to timely and appropriate post-hospital health care services for its members. The next activity in the case will be an initial status conference on Oct. 3.  

CMS Issues Updated Model EMTALA Signage

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the release of updated model signage that Medicare-participating hospitals may use to inform patients of their rights under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). 

What else to know: The CMS signage is updated to include a reference to a new EMTALA-compliant portal launched by the agency in May 2024. CMS encourages — but does not require — hospitals to adopt the updated signage by Sept. 13.  

Yes on Proposition 35 Campaign Materials Available to CHA Members

What’s happening: The Yes on Proposition (Prop) 35 campaign is heating up — members are encouraged to join the coalition supporting the initiative, which would make permanent an existing fee on managed care organizations that enables the state to draw on federal matching funds to improve Medi-Cal.  

What else to know: Campaign materials — including buttons, stickers, pocket cards, pamphlets, and window signs in both English and Spanish — are now available to order.  

The Push Continues in the Legislature for Seismic Compliance

We’re pleased to share that yesterday in Sacramento, the Assembly approved Senate Bill (SB) 1432, which provides up to five years of additional time for hospitals to comply with the 2030 seismic mandate — at the discretion of the Department of Health Care Access and Information.  

Update: Key CHA Bills Move Forward as Legislative Session Nears End

What’s happening: Two CHA-sponsored bills are on the governor’s desk and others are working their way through the legislative process. The Legislature is set to adjourn Saturday night.  

What else to know: Awaiting action from the governor: Assembly Bill (AB) 1423 would create a critical access hospital funding technical advisory group and AB 1316 would require Medi-Cal managed care plans to pay hospital emergency departments for serving Medi-Cal beneficiaries experiencing a mental health crisis. 

Regional Differences in Health Care Spending, Options to Address High Costs Discussed at OHCA Monterey Board Meeting

What’s happening: The Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) board meeting yesterday focused on high costs in the Monterey region from a consumer and purchaser perspective. Ahead of the meeting, CHA submitted comments urging the office to look closely at the factors driving regional differences in health care spending.  

What else to know: Separately, last week, OHCA finalized changes to the state cost and market impact review regulations, with immediate effect. 

CMS Offers Updated Training on PAC QRP

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering a series of updated web-based training courses on coding cross-setting data elements for Section GG of the post-acute care (PAC) patient assessment tools.   

What else to know: Section GG collects admission and discharge information about functional status for patients in long-term care hospitals (LTCHs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), skilled-nursing facilities (SNFs), and home health agencies (HHAs).  

Press Contact

Jan Emerson-Shea
Vice President, External Affairs
(916) 552-7516

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