CHA News

Summary: FFY 2025 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility PPS Final Rule

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its federal fiscal year (FFY) 2025 inpatient psychiatric facility (IPF) prospective payment system (PPS) final rule.  

What else to know: Finalized payment rates are slightly higher than proposed, but still insufficient relative to input cost inflation.     

Summaries Available: FFY 2025 Post-Acute Care Payment Final Rules

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final payment rules for inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), skilled-nursing facilities (SNFs), and hospices for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2025. CHA has issued members-only summaries of each rule.   

What else to know: In general, the payment updates were slightly higher than proposed, but still inadequate relative to input price inflation.  

Hospitals Are Invited to Complete CalAIM Survey

What’s happening: The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) and the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health are asking providers to share their experiences in a survey about the implementation of Medi-Cal’s California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) waiver.  

What else to know: This survey is a follow-up to the initial survey conducted in the summer of 2023. The findings will be made public to help stakeholders, including policy makers, understand how CalAIM implementation is progressing. CHCF is asking hospitals to identify both the positives and the areas for improvement.  

HQI to Hold Virtual Forum on Peer Support After Workplace Violence in Hospitals

What’s happening: Individuals leading and supporting hospital efforts to eliminate workplace violence are invited to the Aug. 29 virtual forum on hospital workplace violence at noon (PT). Registration is open

What else to know: The forum will discuss establishing hospital-based programs of peer support aimed at providing emotional first aid to staff who have been affected by workplace violence. ChristianaCare, a mid-sized hospital system with an influential and innovative approach to workforce well-being, will be a featured speaker.   

Creators of the Vitality Index Payer Scorecard Announce Partnership with HFMA

What’s happening: Hyve Health, the creator of the CHA-endorsed Vitality Index Payer Scorecard, has entered into a national partnership on payer accountability with the Healthcare Financial Management Association.   

What else to know: CHA continues to encourage members to enroll in the scorecard tool, which will provide critical information to support CHA’s advocacy to hold insurers accountable for timely and accurate reimbursement.   

CHA Continues Work to Hold Insurers Accountable

What’s happening: CHA continues to await a response to the lawsuit filed against Anthem Blue Cross on April 23.    

What else to know: In the interim, CHA continues to collect information to support its position that many managed care plans, including Anthem Blue Cross, are violating certain provisions of the Knox-Keene Act.   

Media Coverage of CHA Lawsuit Runs Statewide

What’s happening: Statewide and national media coverage of the CHA lawsuit against Anthem Blue Cross includes print articles, news videos, and mentions on local radio stations. 

What else to know: CHA filed the lawsuit on April 23 against Anthem Blue Cross, one of California’s largest health insurance companies.  

  • Megan Howard
    Vice President, Federal Policy
  • Kirsten Barlow
    Vice President, Policy